New Test For Breast Cancer Making Individualized Treatment Decisions A Reality

0 komentar Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Widely hailed as the next frontier in medical advances, the promise of individualized medicine is becoming a reality thanks to progress in understanding the molecular basis of diseases such as breast cancer. Scientists can now develop treatments that are tailored to individual genetic profiles, as well as tests to predict how a patient will respond to existing therapies.

Today, some women with early-stage breast cancer and their physicians can make more informed treatment decisions with the Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay. This service provides quantitative information about genes from a woman's individual tumor to generate a Recurrence Score between zero and 100, indicating whether she is at high, intermediate or low risk for her cancer returning after treatment.

Oncotype DX is intended for patients with node-negative, estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer who are likely to be treated with hormonal therapy. Approximately half of the 230,000 patients diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year fall into this category, and are frequently offered treatment with chemotherapy, a widely used treatment with considerable side effects. Clinical studies show that chemotherapy improved patient survival rates in only 4 out of 100 patients, yet thousands of women continue to elect this costly and toxic treatment with only limited information about whether they might respond to it.

A recent study demonstrated that women with high Recurrence Scores are more likely to benefit from chemotherapy, whereas women with lower scores derive only minimal benefit. Further, only 25% of women fell into the high-risk group, compared to 50% in the low-risk group, indicating that this common treatment is not appropriate for every patient.

Elizabeth Sloan of New York City is one of the many breast cancer patients not likely to respond to chemotherapy. An active mother with two young boys, Elizabeth was considering having another child when she was diagnosed at just 40 years old. She wanted to avoid chemotherapy, with its disruptive, short-term side effects and potentially serious long-term implications, but also wanted to be absolutely certain that it wouldn't help her.

Working with her doctor, Ruth Oratz, M.D., at NYU Medical Center, Elizabeth decided to have the Oncotype DX assay, and was delighted when her Recurrence Score turned out to be low-indicating that she may not benefit significantly from chemotherapy.

"No two women with breast cancer are exactly alike. Oncotype DX provides information that goes beyond standard measures, like age, tumor size and tumor grade, in determining the likelihood of disease recurrence," says Dr. Oratz. "Oncotype DX gave Elizabeth and me added confidence and peace of mind in selecting the most fitting treatment for her."

For Susan Bakken of Denver, Colorado, Oncotype DX provided a different kind of peace of mind. Susan's Recurrence Score indicated that she was at high risk of cancer recurrence, and would likely benefit significantly from chemotherapy-to both her surprise and her doctor's.

"Based on the other tests I had, my doctor said he wouldn't have otherwise recommended chemotherapy. I was shocked to find out my result, but I was so glad I did because I believe this test basically saved my life," explained Susan.

Elizabeth Sloan is also grateful for the information she gained from Oncotype DX. "Not all cancers are the same, so why treat everyone the same way with something so toxic?" she said. "It's so remarkable that finally, doctors can distinguish one person's cancer from another-I'm just so thankful."

Oncotype DX is a simple test that can only be ordered by a physician. It is performed on a small amount of breast tumor tissue removed during a standard lumpectomy, mastectomy or biopsy, meaning no additional procedure is required.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment

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Article Body:
Cancer that grows in the prostate gland is called prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the U.S. About one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one man in 34 will die of the disease.

In the early stages, surgery and radiation may be used to remove or attempt to kill the cancer cells or shrink the tumor. Doctors will usually advice you to undergo a surgical operation. You will then be given some medications to take. Many studies have shown that this combination reduces the pains experienced by men to a great extent especially if the prostate cancer has spread to the bones. The cancer will not totally disappear nor will you live longer. Seek medical advice too and you would be in a better position to decide according to your own health and your personal values. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire. Urinary incontinence can be a possible complication of surgery.

Also a form of treatment used for early stage cancer is high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This procedure is carried out under anesthesia (or using a local spinal anesthetic) and a probe is placed into the prostate gland through the rectum. A beam of high intensity focused ultrasound is them used to raise the temperature in the area of focus and thus to kill the cancer cells

Another prostate cancer treatment option is radiation therapy. This prostate cancer treatment includes the use of radiation of high energy from protons, neutrons, gamma rays and x-rays, as well as other sources to kill the cancerous cells and to shrink any existing tumors. There are two ways that radiation therapy can be administered as prostate cancer treatment. The first is from a machine that is located outside your body called external beam radiation therapy, or you may have material that is radioactive that is placed in your body near where the cancer is located. This is referred to as internal radiation therapy.
A relatively new technique, which is still being evaluated, is known as cryosurgery. During cryosurgery, which is carried out under anesthesia, cooling probes are guided into the prostate using ultrasound and the cancer cells are killed by freezing them.

The form of treatment used for early stage cancer is high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This procedure is carried out under anesthesia (or using a local spinal anesthetic) and a probe is placed into the prostate gland through the rectum. A beam of high intensity focused ultrasound is them used to raise the temperature in the area of focus and thus to kill the cancer cells

For late stage prostate cancer hormone therapy is used and this is designed not to attack the cancer itself but to target the male hormones (in particular testosterone), which the cancer cells need to grow. In cases where hormone therapy proves ineffective, systematic radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be recommended.

The outcome of prostate cancer varies greatly; mostly because the disease is found in older men who may have a variety of other complicating diseases or conditions, such as cardiac or respiratory disease, or disabilities that immobilize or greatly decrease their activities. Whatever the stage of your cancer it is important to consider all of the options carefully and weigh the advantages, disadvantages and risks of each carefully before choosing the treatment that is best for you.

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Acid Reflux/Heartburn - Simple Steps to Relief

0 komentar Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

You've seen the advertisements: Acid reflux is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the
oesophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic, or simply exaggerated to sell over
the counter medications? The fact is that doctors don't even agree on the causes, treatments,
and long-term risks related to heartburn, so you can believe what you want about the ads.

Heartburn is the uncomfortable feeling resulting from acid reflux, or GERD, gastroesophageal
reflux disease (try saying that out loud a few times). It can feel like a burning sensation
(hence, the name), but can also feel like pressure in the chest, which is why it is sometimes
confused with feelings associated with heart attacks.

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the stomach and the oesophagus gets weak or relaxes
at the wrong time. The result is that the stomach contents, including the acid, move up into
the oesophagus. Because the oesophagus doesn't have the protective lining that the stomach
does, the acid literally burns the oesophagus.

What Works?

Several non-prescription drugs may be effective for mild to moderate acid reflux,
such as antacids, which neutralize stomach acids. These include well-known over the counter
medications such as Tums and Rolaids. Another option is H2 receptor antagonists, which reduce
the production of stomach acids. These include Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepcid complete is the only of these that combines an antacid with an H2 receptor antagonist.
Which is the best treatment? One study found that Pepcid complete performed better than either
an antacid alone or an H2 receptor antagonist alone.

Prescription drugs prescribed to treat acid reflux are called proton-pump inhibitors. These
include Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix. While these are equally effective,
one study did find that Nexium may heal esophageal sores faster.

Homeopathic Remedies

Combined with homeopathic remedies, heartburn may be treated effectively
with less reliance on over the counter or prescription medications. Together, these solutions
may provide the answers where just one solution fails to deliver on the promise.

Natural options that may help reduce GERD include deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which may
bring fast relief and help heal damaged lining. Aloe Vera juice may also act quickly to bring
relief. For those with chronic problems, Gamma-oryzanol (rice bran oil) may be useful, as could
choline, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. These natural solutions may provide more effective
short-term relief as well as provide long-term dietary benefits.

Why Try a Homeopathic Remedy?

The benefits of natural solutions is that they are often less
costly and reduce the chances of becoming reliant on a particular solution. Natural solutions
include treating the cause as much as the affect, and experimenting with diet and alternative
treatments may help lessen the cause of the problem. Additionally, all of the homeopathic
remedies mentioned above can be used along with over the counter or prescription medications.

Does Acid Reflux Cause Cancer?

Studies on acid reflux and cancer vary. One study showed that
chronic acid reflux increased the chances of oesophageal cancer by as much as eight times.
Another study determined that the risk of cancer is not nearly as much as was once thought.
Chronic acid reflux can lead to Barrett's oesophagus, or BE, which has been thought to lead to
an increase in cancer. A study conducted by a group of medical doctors found that the risk of
cancer from BE is not as much as previously thought, stating that BE will not cause cancer for
most people.

What is not questioned is whether or not acid reflux is uncomfortable. Chronic GERD is
difficult to live with, and experimenting with both traditional medications and natural
remedies may be the best solution. As research continues on the causes and affects of GERD,
additional options are likely to come along.
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5 Myths About Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

0 komentar

Sara spends much of her summer near the beach. She lives in a
mild climate and is very athletic. She loves to swim, bike and
play games outdoors. Sara knows the dangers of the sun and so she
opts for tanning salons to get her 'golden glow' while being sure
to apply sunscreen every day before heading out.

Joseph lives in a cooler, northern climate. The summers can be
very humid, but most of the year is mild or even below freezing
during the harshest winter months. The beach has never been much
of a draw for him and he spends most of his time doing indoor
activities or at his job. Joseph doesn't worry about sunscreen
and only had one sunburn that he can remember and that was when
he was a child.


Which of these examples do you most associate yourself with? Did
you know that Sara and Joseph are both at risk of developing skin
cancer? We have all heard the warnings about the dangers of sun
exposure. We know all about the importance of wearing sunscreen
and hats. But are YOU protected from skin cancer? Consider these
myths and facts:

MYTH ONE: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

20 minutes of exposure in a tanning bed is roughly equivalent to
four hours in the sun. Although sun beds use UVA rather than UVB
rays, 'The Skin Cancer Answer' states that "UV-A penetrates more
deeply into the skin than UV-B, can cause skin cancer, and may
suppress the immune system."

MYTH TWO: Wearing Sunscreen at the Beach is Protection

85 percent of UV rays can even make it through on cloudy days.
That means you are equally at risk in the car, walking the dog or
letting your children out to play at any time of year - even when
you're not at the beach. Of course, you are usually less attired
at the beach and so covering up is recommended even when wearing
sunscreen. Sunscreen also wears off with sweat and water and
should always be applied every two hours or after getting wet.

MYTH THREE: Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Will Protect You

Sadly, skin cancer can take 20 or more years to develop. The Skin
Cancer Foundation states that most people receive about 80
percent of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18.
Just one blistering sunburn in childhood is estimated to double
the risk of melanoma later in life. Taking better care now will
reduce the risk, but not eliminate the damage already done.

MYTH FOUR: Having a Tan Means You're More Protected

Dark skinned individuals are less likely to develop cancer, but
tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Repeated tanning injures
the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

MYTH FIVE: You Can't get Burned on Overcast Days

Just because the sun is hidden by some cloud does not mean that
you don't need protection from the harmful effects of the suns rays.

So how do you plan to protect your family this year? Some
suggestions are to limit exposure to the sun - especially for
infants. Examine your skin for early signs of damage. Use a
sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and apply it at least 30 minutes
before exposure and every two hours after that. Teach your
children good safety habits and be sure you and they are covered
up when outdoors. Have fun and be safe.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program
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Prostate is a glandular organ present only in males.  It surrounds the neck of bladder & the first part of urethra and condributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape and measures 3 cm in vertical diameter and 4 cm in transverse diameter.It has got five lobes anterior,posterior,two lateral and a median lobe.Since  the first part of the urethra pass through it any lesion in the prostate will produce difficulty in passing urine.

Diseases of the prostate gland:-

1) Prostatitis:-

This is the inflamation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection.

2) Benign enlargement of the prostate:-

This is a non cancerous tumour of  the prostate seen after the age of 50.  3,Cancer of the prostate:-This is the 4th most common cause of death from malignant diseases in males.

Cancer of the prostate.

Cancer of the prostate is directly linked with the male sex hormones(androgens).If the levels of sex hormone increases the growth rate of cancer also increases.It is found that after the removel of testes there is marked reduction in the size of tumour.

Site of tumour:-

Prostate cancer is seen mainly in the posterior lobe.Non cancerous enlargement is seen in other lobes.

Changes in the gland in cancer:-

The gland becomes hard with irregular surface with loss of normal lobulation .Histologically prostate cancer is an adeno carcinoma(cancer of the epithelial cells in the gland)

Growth :-

Growth rate is very fast in prostate cancer .The tumour compresses the urethra and produce difficulty in urination.

Spread of tumour:-

Metastasis in cancer of prostate is very early.

1) Local spread:-

From the posterior lobe the cancer cells go to the lateral lobes and seminal vesicles.Tumour cells also move to the neck and base of the urinary bladder.

2) Lymphatic spread:-

Through the lymph vessels cancer cells reach the internal and external illiac group of lymph nodes.From there cells move to retroperitonial(Behind the peritonium) and mediastinal lymph nodes(in the chest)

3) Spread through the blood:-

Spread of cancer cells takeplace through the periprostatic venous plexus and reaches the vertebral veins while coughing and sneezing and finally enders the vertebral bodies of the lumbar vertebrae.

Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer:--

Signs and symptoms depend upon the stage of the cancer. The following symptoms may be seen.

1) No symptoms:-

Tumour is small and only in the posterior lobe.  This is diagnosed accidentely.

2) Slight difficulty in urination:-

Here the tumour is enlarged and urethra is slightly compressed.Shortly there will be frequent urge for urination with difficult urination.

3) When the tumour spread to all nearby areas including neck of bladder and urethra there will be painful urination with bleeding.Urine comes drop by drop.

4) Retention of urine:-

When the urethra is completely compressed there will be retention of urine.This can lead to hydronephrosis, renal failure ect.In this condition patient may get convulsions due to renal failure and finally coma.

5) Signs of metastasis:-

Some patients come with the signs and symptoms of metastasis.

a) Lumbo sacral pain due to spread of cancer cells to lumbar and sacral vertebrae.

b) Fracture of spine due to cancerous growth in the spine.

c) Swelling, pain and fluid collection in the abdomen due to lesion in the abdomen.

d) Respiratory complaints due to cancer of mediastinal lymphnodes and lungs.

e) General weakness due to spread of cancer to different parts of the body.

f) Anaemia due to involment of bone marrow and increased destruction of RBCs.

Clinical examination :-

Includes per rectal examination to feel the prostate gland,palpation of abdomen to feel the swelling in kidneys and any tumours.Patient is examined from head to foot to find out any lesions.


1) Complete blood investigations;-

RBC,WBC,Platlets,ESR,bleeding time ,clotting time ect.

2) Urine analysis:-

Microscopic examination to detect pus cells,occult blood,casts,Crystals ect.

3) Renal function tests:-

Blood urea level,serum creatinine level,electrolyte level ect.

4) Serum acid phosphatase:-

Increased in cancer of prostate.

5) x-ray of the spine:-

To detect any tumour or fracture.

6) Ultra sonography;-

Gives idea about prostate,bladder,kidney ect.

7) C T scan:-

More detailed information about organs and tumour.

8) MRI of the spine:-

Gives detailed information about spine ,disc and nearby soft tissues.

9) Lymphangiography:-

Gives idea about lymphatic spread of cancer.

10) Biopsy to confirm cancer:-

Biopsy is taken from the tumour and is send for histopathological examination under the microscope.This will detect the presence of cancer cells.


1) If there is retention of urine catheterisation is needed.
2) Dialysis if kidney failure.
3) If there is coma monitoring of all vital functions along with parentral nutrition and electolyte supply.
4) Specific treatment is prostatectomy(removal of prostate)

Partial prostatectomy :-

Here only the affected lobe is removed.

Radical prostatectomy :-

Total removal of prostate along with nearby lymphnodes.

5, Hormone therapy :-

Stilbestrol is given to reduce tumour growth.Since this treatement increases the chance for cardiovascular disease phosphorylated diethyle stilbesterol is used nowadays.

6) Chemotherapy:-Drugs like cyclophosphamide, cisoplatim ect are given.

7) Radiotherapy is also done for some cases.

8) Homoeopathy:-

Homoeopathic drugs like carcinocin, conium, sabal, crotalus, thuja, iodum, selinium, staphysagria, sulphur ect can be given according to symptoms.Constitutional homoeopathic medicine will give great relief and can increase the life span.

9) Yoga and meditation is also healpful.

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A Rare Case of Male Breast Cancer

0 komentar Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

At 41, Brian Place found a lump near his left nipple and dismissed it as a sort of injury from the rough games he had been involved with for most of his life.  He thought that the lump was probably a result of a collision with another rugby player.  Though his doctor didn't think much of the lump either, nevertheless, he advised Place to get a mammogram test.  When the ultrasound of the breast and a biopsy came out, the diagnosis shocked Place and his colleagues from the Royal Air Force in Britain where he works as a Communications Technician: breast cancer.
Staff at his local breast clinic even assumed that Place was accompanying a female patient during his check up. The confusion is understandable. Only about less than 1% of breast cancers diagnosed occur in men. The rarity of breast cancer in men leaves so much room for research regarding the condition.   According to Dr. Larissa Korde, staff clinician at the National Cancer Institute's clinical genetics branch, “In women, we have studies based on hundreds of thousands of patients.”  However, there are no studies of that scale in men. “Though much can be extrapolated from research in women,” said Korde, “ it's a little bit harder to make recommendations for men based on evidence.”
One of the surest risk factors to consider is family medical history, that is, for both men and women.  At the time of Place's diagnosis, two female relatives of his had died of breast cancer and a third of ovarian cancer.  However, several genes may contribute to breast cancer, such as mutations which are known to increase the possibilities of both breast and ovarian cancers. Although most men might never even meet a man with breast cancer, those who have several relatives diagnosed with breast cancer should be wary for signs of their own breast tumors. Based on studies, certain populations with an unusually high proportion of people carrying BRCA2 mutations may have a higher incidence rate of breast cancer in men, such as in Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, and among Ashkenazi Jews.
There are similarities in the survival rates for men and women as they adjust in the stage of the disease at diagnosis.  But since men do not undergo a regular screening like women do, they are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage.  The lumps may not always be detected by medical scanning equipment.

Medical treatment usually includes surgery, to be followed by some combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  With men, an additional hormone treatment is necessary because almost all men with breast cancer have tumors characterized as hormone-receptor-positive.
After two years of medical treatment and therapy, Place is now doing well.  Two years after his diagnosis, Place is well enough to play contact sports. The mastectomy was successful, and Place has decided to discontinue his hormone treatment due to its side effects like hot flashes which he found to be very unpleasant.
Brian Place is now an active participant in online discussions and support group communities for cancer patients.  He tries to answer questions regarding male breast-cancer conditions.  Place also gives talks to people who contact him through the U.K. nonprofit Breast Cancer Care. Although there are women who are not yet accustomed to men with breast cancer condition, time and awareness can help address the issue.

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Alternative breast cancer natural herbal treatment

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In recent years, there's been an explosion of life-saving treatment in an alternative way with natural and herbal medicine advances against breast cancer, bringing new hope and excitement. Instead of only one or two options, today there's an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer.

Let me ask you a question before you start reading this article:

If I could show you a natural cancer fighting strategy that when used alone or when coupled with conventional treatments could kill your cancer - would you be willing to spend 15 minutes reading and listenting to the audio of the patients. This potentially is a life changing report?

If you answered NO, then I wish you the best of luck with your doctor.

If you answered YES, then go ahead and read this report.  Do not simply skim over it or skip around from section to section - but read it word for word.  There is some cancer fighting information here.  You won't want to miss a thing.

Finding out that you or a loved one has breast cancer can be absolutely terrifying. However, once you understand the causes of breast cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one can have more than a fighting chance of beating breast cancer. Unfortunately, these strategies can't help everyone survive, but if the person using these strategies has enough time left so that they can start to work, quite often they reverse their cancer.

Now, because you chose to read this report in its entirety - this tells me two things about you.

   1. You want an aggressive no-holds barred approach to skyrocket your chances of survival beyond the ordinary.

   2. You realize conventional treatments may not do the trick alone, and can potentially batter your body, destroy your health and possibly ruin you financially.

A Breast Cancer Survivor says that “We fight cancer everyday...and we never give up.”

We know you are fighting for your life. At Cancer Treatment Centers and our mission is to arm you with every choice and offer you every chance.

Aggressive research, innovative new therapies, and highly-trained, experienced cancer practitioner of conventional treatment work to provide each patient with a personalized treatment plan, based on his or her unique medical condition, needs and desires.

Breast Cancer Treatment
There is hope. Some about treatment options available to you.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Alternative cancer treatments that counter the underlying causes of cancer, help relieve pain, reduce side effects and help the immune system to more effectively fight cancer.

Let me be in brief about the things

What this cancer exactly is?
Cancer cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. In fact, the immune system developed components whose job it is to seek out and destroy cancer cells.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body has enough time, and if you take action to change the internal environment to one that creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking cancerous cells and tumors by exploiting their weaknesses.

How we came across this disease?
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th century did the number of cancer cases explodes. Contributing to this explosion are the huge amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap the immune system, poor quality junk food that's full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights and just about anything that wasn't around 200 years ago. All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer.
Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.
Constant exposure to tens of thousands of manmade chemicals from birth onward, chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins, leads to the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.
Alone this would be enough to raise cancer levels, but combined with an immune system weakened by a diet of refined and over processed food, mineral depleted soils, and too much exposure to artificial light at night, the immune system at some point no longer is able to keep cancer in check and it starts to grow in your body.

Did you know about this?
Research shows that the immune system needy 9 1/2 hours of sleep in total darkness to recharge completely. When was the last time you had enough sleep?

As a result of all this stress on our bodies and the overload of toxins, what you get is a malfunctioning immune system and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you have cancer.

Overcoming cancer is a process of reversing the conditions that allowed the cancer to develop, and going after and killing cancerous cells.

The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on what works best in a particular case. What needs to be done is to strongly and dramatically interrupt and reverse these cancer-causing conditions so that the body becomes healthier, and no longer capable of breeding cancer.

The more cancer there is, the more serious the condition -- meaning much has to be done -- fast. In your personal situation it may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point is as even advanced cases can turn around.

This report acts like a suggestor to you. The most important things you can do for your health is to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But much, much more potent.

One of the basics of fighting cancer is going on a fairly low carbohydrate diet, especially sugars and refined carbohydrates, because they digest extremely fast and flood the body. Your body must then produce a lot of insulin to get the sugar into cells fast, and this feeds the cancer cells just what they like to eat.

10 Strategies to focus on when fighting cancer...

1.Kill Them Naturally And Safely Without Harming Your Body
2.Increasing Oxygen Levels In Your Body And Cells Can Literally Kill Cancerous Cells
3.Normalizing pH Levels which Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks
4.Getting Methylgyloxal Back Into Cells Puts The Brakes On Cancer Cell Growth
5.A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells
6.Eliminating Candida And Fungal Infections Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer
7.Reducing Toxic Overload Vital For Successfully Fighting Cancer
8.Free Radical Scavengers Protect Cells From Damage
9.Increasing Enzyme Levels Can Wipe Out Cancer
10.Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth
11.Resolving Issues And Reducing Stress May Be Vital For Success Against Cancer

A natural and herbal approach to cancer is based on making the body healthier. This alternative cancer strategy is to strengthen a depleted, worn out, under energized immune system that is not capable of killing cancer cells as fast as they are multiplying.

This is part of changing the body's internal environment so cancer cells can't survive and so you will experience greater health in every way. You accomplish this by supporting the body's fight against cancer, by changing the body's internal environment to one that does not support the growth of cancer, and by directly attacking cancer cells.

You will learn about safe and effective supplements that deal with each cancer weakness mentioned in the web site. Products that can defeat cancer as they get at the underlying causes of cancer. That work on any and every cancer. Let's get started with the last one first...

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A 10-Year Drive To Put The Brakes On Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer is a highly treatable disease that now has a survival rate of 85 percent. Yet more than 212,000 women are still diagnosed with the condition each year.

Since early diagnosis is an important key to successful treatment, doctors say it's important that all women over the age of 18 do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE) every month, two or three days after their menstrual cycle. In addition, women between 20 and 39 should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and women 40 and older should have a mammogram every year.

For the past 10 years, BMW of North America has worked with The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation-the largest fund-raiser for breast cancer research in America-to help spread the message of early detection and to help ensure that breast cancer research continues. The groups' Ultimate Drive program has raised millions to help fund the efforts.

The initiative, fully underwritten by BMW, consists of two fleets of specifically badged BMWs making a cross-country trek, stopping in communities along the way to hold daylong events. People will be invited to test-drive the cars-at no cost to the participants-to raise money for breast cancer research, education and screening treatment programs.

The car company donates $1 directly to the Komen Foundation for each mile driven, along with whatever other proceeds are received from the program. Upon completion of every drive, each participant adds his or her own name to the Signature Vehicle-this year, a BMW 3-Series.

This year's goal is to raise over $1 million, bringing the program's 10-year total up to over $10 million. To help celebrate the initiative's 10th anniversary, the 240-stop cross-country trek has been expanded to include Alaska.

People can test-drive the cars to help fight breast cancer. They can also:

 Regularly conduct BSEs, have clinical exams and mammograms

Stop smoking and stressing

 Get more exercise

Cut or reduce their alcohol consumption

Watch their diet. Try to eat plenty of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, grains, fresh fish and poultry.

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The Promising Reduction In Gastric Cancer Rates

1 komentar Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

The news is full of frightening statistics about cancer and other diseases. From what we read and hear on television, we are led to believe that more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer and that more and more people are dying from it.

In some cases, this is true. Incidences of and deaths from cancer have risen every year for the last fifty. However, don’t let this lead you to believe that no progress is being made.

Let’s take a look at gastric cancer, for example. Gastric cancers were once the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and in many other countries, too. However, since 1930, the incidence of and number of deaths related to gastric cancer have steadily decreased.

By 1994, gastric cancer was the eighth leading cause of cancer death in the US and the statistics appear to continue to be on the decline. So, why are we seeing less gastric cancer today than before? Well, the medical community doesn’t appear to have made any definite conclusions, but there are some factors that are believed to be contributing to this promising trend.

The number one reason doctors believe that gastric cancer is on the decline is the higher consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet and the lower consumption of foods that are preserved by salt. Years ago, refrigeration in the home was not common, so keeping fruits and vegetables at the ready was not easy. And, it was common to preserve meats and some other foods with salt rather than freezing them.

When the ability to refrigerate and freeze foods in the home became commonplace, the American diet changed. We began to eat more fruits and vegetables and freeze our meat instead of curing it. So, how does this help reduce our risk of cancer?

Well, it’s actually quite simple. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables means a diet rich in anti-oxidants. Each day, as we convert the foods we eat into energy, we create free radicals in our body. These free radicals can damage our cells and our DNA. Unchecked free radicals are believed to contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases.

Anti-oxidants are excellent at combating free radicals. A diet rich in anti-oxidants is linked with preventing cancer, heart disease, cholesterol problems and a lower incidence of stroke.

So, if you’re interested in reducing your risk of cancer, be sure your diet is rich in anti-oxidants on a daily basis. Some of foods highest in anti-oxidants are:

Small Red Bean (dried)
Wild blueberry
Red kidney bean (dried)
Pinto bean
Blueberry (cultivated)
Sweet cherry
Black plum
Russet potato (cooked)
Black bean (dried)

So, if you want to improve your health, and reduce your risk of cancer, these fruits should be staples in your diet. And, there’s another way you can get your daily dose of anti-oxidants; one you might not have thought of.

Green Tea is High in Anti-Oxidants

Green tea has been widely used in Asian cultures for centuries to prevent illness and to treat it, as well. And, many recent studies have linked green tea with the prevention of cancer, and, in some cases have even found green tea to be helpful in the treatment of cancer.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are many different types of tea; most of the differences come from the way the tea is processed. Tea leaves contain very powerful anti-oxidants in their natural state.

Fermenting tea leaves, which is part of processing tea leaves for black tea, converts these catechins to other compounds and reduces their health benefits. Therefore, green tea, because it is not fermented, retains more of its original anti-oxidants than black tea.

In every part of the world except Asia, black tea varieties are far more widely consumed than green tea. And, black tea is healthy. However, because green tea undergoes less processing, it far outranks black tea in its ability to provide anti-oxidants, and thereby, prevent disease.

Asian cultures have a far lower incidence of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol and cancer. And, while there are likely other cultural and environmental factors that contribute to their lower incidence of disease; their high consumption of green tea is considered a significant factor. In fact, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.

So, if you’d like to reduce your risk of developing cancer and other diseases that often plague us as we get older, eat and drink up. Get your daily fill of fruits and vegetables. And, wash it down with green tea! You’ll be doing your part to ensure you live a long and healthy life!

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The Fight Against Breast Cancer: Going Green

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In the past few years, a number of women have turned to green vegetables in an effort to attempt to lower their risk of breast cancer. With the disease affecting as many as one in eight American women, it is only natural that women look to natural remedies in an attempt to improve their odds in the fight against this all-too-prevalent kind of cancer.

Increasingly, though, researchers are looking to another green food in an effort to cut breast cancer risk—green tea. While black tea and chamomile tea have long been thought to soothe nerves and combat depression, it is green tea which is making headlines in the world of cancer research.

A number of animal and laboratory studies have shown that green tea can be highly effective in fighting tumors in the mammary tissues. But only recently has the scientific community been able to address the effect of green tea on breast cancer in human beings.

A Case in Point

One significant study indicated that green tea extract prevents breast cancer cells from producing a chemical that leads to tumors. University of Southern California researcher Anna H. Wu and her team noted the dietary and lifestyle choices of more than 500 women with breast cancer and nearly 600 women without cancer in Los Angeles. The women were of Asian descent and ranged in age from 25 to 74. The researchers found that the healthy women were far more likely to consume green tea. And those breast cancer patients who did drink green tea were likely to consume less of it than the healthy women were.  In fact, drinking less than six tablespoons of green tea a day appeared to cut a woman’s risk for breast cancer by as much as 30 percent.
Unfortunately, women who consume a great deal of black tea do not appear to be protected from the onset of breast cancer. Since black tea is more popular in Western nations than green tea, such news can be disappointing. But the fact that green tea’s popularity is gaining strength in the West means that Western women could enjoy the same breast cancer protection that green tea drinkers in the Far East have enjoyed for years.

Green Tea and Breast Cancer Recurrence

But what about women who have already experienced breast cancer? Is it possible for them to reduce their chances of a recurrence by downing cups of green tea?

As you might expect, scientific researchers have been asking the same questions. For instance, a Japanese research team addressed those issues in their article, “Regular Consumption of Green Tea and the Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence: Follow-up Study from the Hospital-based Epidemiologic Research Program at Aichi Cancer Center (HERPACC), Japan.”

As the Asian researchers noted, various studies indicate that green tea can inhibit the development and growth of tumors. Given that fact, they thought it helpful to examine the link between regular green tea consumption and the risk of a recurrence of breast cancer.

The researchers studied 1160 new surgical cases of female breast cancers between June of 1990 and August of 1998. About 12 percent, or 133 of the subjects, appeared to experience a cancer recurrence. But those women who consumed three or more cups of green tea each day were less likely to see their breast cancer make a comeback.

The reduced rate of recurrence was most likely among those women with stage 1 and stage 2 breast cancer. However, the link was not apparent for those women with more advanced stages of the cancer.

Cautiously Optimistic

The researchers cautioned that these results need to be interpreted carefully. However, they do suggest that breast cancer patients who drink green tea daily may be able to prevent their cancer from returning—especially if their cancer was diagnosed in the early stages.  Therefore, the research team has reason to be cautiously optimistic about the cancer-fighting capabilities of green tea.

A Closer Look at Green Tea

In order to fully understand the potential of green tea as a cancer prevention method, it is first necessary to examine the composition of the beverage. There are a number of compounds that make up green tea, including polyphenols and flavonoids, caffeine, carbohydrates, tannins, fluoride, and aluminum.

As far as cancer prevention is concerned, the most critical substance is the polyphenols—chemicals which act as antioxidants. These substances block cell replication enzymes and therefore prevent the growth of cancer in the process.

In a number of studies, researchers gave rats with breast tumors green tea to consume. These rats were then compared with rats which drank water alone. Interestingly enough, the rats which had been drinking green tea saw their tumor size reduced considerably. In addition, the studies indicated that new tumors were less likely to develop in rats which drank green tea.

How Much is Enough?

Still, you might be wondering how much green tea you would need to consume in order to significantly reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. Generally, doctors say that you need to consume at least three to four cups of green tea each day—without additives such as milk or sugar—in order to see an impact.

Does decaffeinated green tea offer the same health benefits? Actually, that depends upon the manner in which the caffeine has been removed from the tea. If a solvent has been used to decaffeinate the tea, it will contain reduced levels of EGCG, lessening its effectiveness as a cancer prevention tool. You might also consider taking your green tea in capsule form, although there is little hard evidence to indicate that the capsules are as effective as the beverage in cutting cancer risk.

A Final Note

A woman who has experienced breast cancer has no guarantees that her cancer will never reappear. Even if she begins drinking green tea, she might still undergo a recurrence. However, the available evidence suggests that her risk of facing a second bout of breast cancer decreases significantly when she becomes a green tea drinker.

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Green Tea Protection Against Stomach Cancer

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Over the last few years, scientists have discovered compelling evidence that green tea protects our bodies against many serious diseases, including cancer. Though the research continues, it seems that it’s safe to conclude that adding green tea to your diet is likely a great way to protect your health.

One of the most serious cancers in our time is stomach cancer. Though its incidence has declined in recent years, it is still the second most common cancer in the world. In addition, chronic gastritis is a common problem today, and many doctors believe that those with chronic gastritis are more likely to develop stomach cancer in the future.

In Yangzhong, China, researchers from the UCLA School of Public health studied a total of 732 patients. 133 of these patients had stomach cancer, 166 had chronic gastritis and 433 were healthy and used for control purposes.

After adjusting the study for age and other factors like smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and body mass index, the study concluded that drinking green tea did, in fact, reduce your overall risk of developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

This news is very exciting; particularly to those who are at high risk for developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

Who should be concerned about developing stomach cancer?

As with any other disease, there are certain factors that make you more susceptible to developing stomach cancer. Following are risk factors for developing this type of cancer. You can better assess your risk by seeing how many of these risk factors apply to you.

Helicobacter pylori infection: This infection of the stomach is fairly rare in the US, but can be found among many people in other countries, including Eastern Europe. Many doctors believe that long term infection with this bacteria is a major contributor to development of stomach cancer. The infection usually leads to chronic gastritis and makes changes to the lining of the stomach, which can cause cancer.

Diet – Those who eat a large amount of smoked foods, salted fish and meats and pickled vegetables have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. These products contain large amounts of nitrites, which are believed to lead to cancer. On the other hand, if your diet is rich with fresh fruits and vegetables, you can reduce your risk of stomach cancer.

Tobacco and alcohol abuse: Your risk of developing stomach cancer doubles if you smoke. In addition, it is believed that alcohol abuse also contributes to stomach cancer, though this has not been proven.

Obesity: Obesity increases your risk of developing stomach cancer, particularly in the part of your stomach closest to your esophagus.

Having Previous stomach surgery: Certain types of stomach surgery, including surgery to remove part of the stomach for treatment of ulcers or other diseases, increases the risk of developing stomach cancer later on.

Having Type A Blood – Scientists don’t really know why, but people with Type A blood have a slightly higher risk of developing stomach cancer.

History of Cancer in your family – If you have first degree relatives who have had stomach cancer, colorectal cancer or breast cancer, you have an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. There are certain inherited genetic disorders that make you more prone to certain cancers. If your family members have had these other cancers, you may possess this genetic disorder.

Stomach polyps: Polyps are non-cancerous growths on the lining of the stomach that can turn into cancer. One particular type of polyps, called adenomas appear to increase your risk of developing stomach cancer.

Geography: Stomach cancer is most common in Japan, China, Southern and Eastern Europe, and South and Central America. It is least common in Northern and Western Africa, South Central Asia, and North America.

Epstein-Barr virus: This is the virus causes infectious mononucleosis. Almost everyone is infected with the virus at some time in their lives, and it has been linked to some forms of lymphoma. But, it has been detected in 5-10% of people with stomach cancer, too. It usually causes a slow growing, less aggressive cancer. Doctors don’t quite understand the relationship between this virus and cancer.

Other Factors: Stomach cancer is more than twice as common in men as it is in women, and is more common in Hispanics and African Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. It is most common in Asians and Pacific Islanders. It is also more common after the age of 50, with a significant increase in incidence once you reach your late 60’s.

If you have more than three of these risk factors, you may need to be concerned about the development of stomach cancer later in life. Drinking green tea, along with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

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Does Green Tea Offer The Prescription For Beating Cancer?

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With early detection, cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence. However, an initial diagnosis still brings with it a host of questions: What is the best course of treatment? Are conventional approaches best? Or are non-traditional therapies preferable—particularly if the cancer does not seem to respond to chemotherapy and radiation.

In recent years, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on unconventional therapies for cancer. For instance, in an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Elizabeth Kaegi of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative discussed the fact that cancer patients are trying a number of intriguing therapies, including Essiac, Iscador, hydrazine sulfate, vitamins A,C, and E, and 714-X. But perhaps one of the most popular therapies that has been tried is green tea. In fact, go to your local convenience store and you may find jug after jug of green tea in assorted flavors. Still, you may be wondering what makes green tea so special—and if it really can help to combat cancer.

Green Tea—The Basics

Green tea is produced by steaming or frying the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinensis. The leaves, which are not fermented, are then dried. For 5,000 years, families in China and Japan have hailed green tea as a valuable stimulant and an effective remedy for stomach ailments. You can even purchase green tea in capsule form now, although the actual medicinal benefits from such capsules have yet to be established.

Dried tea leaves are far more complex than you might think. Specifically, they are made up of phytochemicals, plant alkaloids, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, phenolic acids, and minerals. Of course, the exact composition of the leaves varies, depending on when the leaves are harvested and how they are processed. You should also be aware of the fact that the composition of green tea varies from that of black tea, since black tea has fewer polyphenols because of the fermentation process.

Side Effects

Green tea can contain anywhere from 10 to 80 milligrams of caffeine—the actual amount depends on how it has been produced and stored. Since caffeine is a known stimulant, green tea may lead to a racing heart rate and insomnia. As a result, heart patients, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should ideally drink no more than two cups of green tea a day.

Cancer Prevention

Numerous scientific studies have explored the use of green tea as a cancer preventative. According to Kaegi, digestive cancers appear to be particularly responsive to green tea. In fact, such tea appears to somewhat decrease the risk of experiencing cancer of the digestive tract. Given the fact that such conclusions are the result of a number of epidemiological studies, it appears that the idea that green tea can prevent cancer has some merit.

News from the Lab

But what about treating cancer? Can green tea be as effective in treatment as it is in prevention? There has been some limited lab work investigating the possibility that green tea can be used as an alternative form of cancer treatment. However, at this point, there have only been a few animal studies and no human studies. The results of these studies are, at this point, inconclusive.

Yet, it should be noted that one study showed that, if extracts of green tea are applied to mouse skin, it appears to stop the development of skin cancer when known carcinogens have been applied to the skin. Other research indicates that green tea can stop the growth of tumors or decrease the number of tumors in animals that have been exposed to cancer-causing agents.

In some animals, green tea and tea extracts prevented cancer cells from metastasizing. There are also indications that green tea extracts can prevent chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to cancer, as well as reduce the size of breast and prostate tumors.

The Magic of EGCG

Green tea contains an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. This substance appears to inhibit enzymes which are responsible for cell replication, stop the adhesion of cells, and disrupt the communication pathways which enable cell division to occur.  However, EGCG seems to be most critically important as an antioxidant.

Final Conclusions

Researchers believe that there is evidence to suggest that green tea can be used to treat cancer. However, scientists add that additional research is absolutely essential in order to determine the full range of treatment that green tea might provide. For instance, researchers must determine which cancers are most likely to be abated through the use of green tea or green tea extracts. Since there is also evidence to indicate that green tea can prevent cancer as well, drinking green tea is not only safe—it’s also highly recommended by some medical experts.  Therefore, green tea may not just be a thirst-quencher—it may also be a key ingredient of a healthy diet.

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Combating Cancer With A Cup Of Tea

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Generations of families in India and Asia have been turning to tea to cure what ails them.  Back in the year 1191, a Zen priest penned a work entitled the Book of Tea, which told how green tea could benefit at least five vital organs, including the heart. At that time, green tea was thought to improve urinary and brain function, combat beriberi disease, and alleviate indigestion. In other words, green tea was considered to be a multi-purpose elixir, able to treat a wide variety of health problems.

But this ancient remedy has now found a place in modern scientific literature, thanks to a new wave of studies on the medicinal properties of green tea. While studies on human subjects have been inconclusive, initial evidence from the laboratory looks incredibly promising.

While green tea can be beneficial in attacking everything from high cholesterol to depression, it has perhaps gotten the most attention for its impact on cancer. In order to understand the significance of this, it is first necessary to have some knowledge of the disease of cancer itself.

Cancer: A Disease of the Genes

When cancer occurs, cells divide uncontrollably, meaning that the genes controlling cell growth have been damaged in some way. In fact, a gene has to mutate a number of times before a typical cell will change into a cancer cell.

Antioxidants are important because they can stop the enzyme activities that give rise to cancer. In essence, they repair DNA problems which have been caused by oxidants, or free radicals.

Green Tea—A Natural Antioxidant

Green tea has been considered a godsend for good health because it contains antioxidants known as catechins. These substances have been called impressive inhibitors of cancer growth. Here’s how they do it: lab tests show that they combat oxidants prior to cell injuries, stop the growth of tumor cells, and reduce the occurrence of tumors.

For instance, mice tumors were found to shrink when the lab animals ingested green tea. This phenomenon occurred whether the cancer affected the liver, the skin, or the stomach.

Green Tea and Cancer Prevention

In an article which appeared in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, authors Santosh Katiyar and Hasan Mukhtar noted that the special properties found in tea can help prevent cancer, according to the experimental data available.  This is significant, considering the wide availability of tea. As the authors recognize, tea is grown in about 30 different countries and it’s considered to be the most popular beverage worldwide.

Most scientific studies using tea have focused on the therapeutic effects of green tea. In these lab tests, the green tea is fed to mice as an extract in water or in a purified form. Green tea has even been found to have some positive medicinal effect before birth in the womb.

A Variety of Uses

Interestingly enough, medical research shows that the benefits of green tea are not limited to combating only one type of cancer. In fact, consuming green tea may help prevent the development of cancers of the stomach, lungs, esophagus, pancreas, liver, breast, and colon.

Still, even researchers admit that the reasons behind green tea’s broad therapeutic effects are not clear. A number of theories have been put forward—theories which require further investigation.

The Effects of Tea Drinking on Human Beings

Much of what we know about green tea’s effects comes from animal studies. While some research indicates that tea drinkers are less prone to cancer, other studies offer a conflicting view. This may be because there are a number of environmental factors which can contribute to the development of cancer, including diet, carcinogens in one’s living space, and the like.

Still, in China, where green tea is particularly popular, research results are encouraging. A study of more than 18,000 Chinese men found that tea drinkers were far less likely to experience stomach cancer than non-tea drinkers. Yet, a Netherlands study involving tens of thousands of men and women indicated there was no link between drinking tea and cancer prevention.

The Continuing Medical Debate

The debate over the health benefits of green tea continues at the highest levels of government and academia. For instance, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asserts that green tea does not reduce the risk of breast, prostate, or any other type of cancer.  The FDA also states that green tea does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, a study published in the fall of 2006 in the Journal of the American Medical Association directly contradicts the FDA’s contentions. That study indicated that drinking three or more cups of green tea could reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

Future Research Possibilities

Yet, there is a continued push toward additional research of the green tea phenomenon. For instance, the National Cancer Institute is especially interested in exploring the ability of green tea to prevent skin cancer. Researchers are examining the effects of both green tea in pill form and green tea creams applied directly to the skin.

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Can Green Tea Treat Skin Cancer?

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Some of the most promising cancer research going on today involves the use of green tea and its ability to prevent cancer and even treat cancer in patients who have already been diagnosed with the disease. Researchers are examining many possibilities for how green tea might be used, and working to determine the cancer types for which it holds the most promise.

Over the last few years, scientists have learned a great deal about the importance of a diet rich in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are a powerful tool in slowing down the aging process and preventing disease. They are even more important than even with the number of processed foods we consume. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants, as is dark chocolate and green tea. Coffee is also a source of anti-oxidants, though it is not nearly as rich in them as green tea.

The process our bodies go through to convert our food to energy creates free radicals each day. Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules that damage our cells and DNA. If we don’t combat them, the make us age more quickly, they contribute to the development of blocked arteries and the make us more susceptible to the diseases and problems of aging.

So, it’s certain that we all need to consume a high level of anti-oxidants as part of our everyday diet. But, of particular interest are the anti-oxidants in green tea. Asian cultures consume a large amount of green tea, and have espoused its healing properties for centuries. And, it just so happens that they have a much lower incidence of cancer and heart disease.

There are, of course, other differences between Asian culture and ours. Notably, we are far more likely to be overweight; and research has shown us that obesity is a significant risk factor for many diseases including cancer and heart disease. However, one other interesting fact; Asian cultures, particularly Japanese men are far more likely to smoke than we are, yet they still have a much lower incidence of cancer and heart disease.

So, green tea is of significant importance in our quest to live longer and be healthier. There are hundreds of studies that have shown that green tea is a good cancer preventative and can increase the effectiveness of cancer treatments.

One important study is linked to skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer. While only 4% of skin cancer cases are melanoma, it causes more deaths than any other type of skin cancer.

The number of new cases of melanoma is on the rise in the US- an estimated 62,000 Americans will be diagnosed in 2006, and about 8000 people will die from melanoma in the US this year. Nonmelanoma is extremely common. It is estimated that about one million people develop nonmelanoma cancer each year; this is about the same number of people who contract all other types of cancer combined. However, people rarely die from nonmelanoma – only about 1000 each year in the US.

Since skin cancer is so prevalent in our country, it’s critical that we spend time and money researching how we can treat this cancer. Of course, skin cancer is, in part, preventable. So, as part of a healthy lifestyle we should be diligent about protecting ourselves from the sun, because this is the most important aspect of preventing both types of skin cancer.

To reduce your risk of skin cancer, be sure that you are always protected from the sun, even on cloudy days, and even in the winter. Cover as much of your body as possible with clothing, and use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher on any areas that you cannot cover. Be sure to follow the directions on sunscreen closely; many people do not use enough sunscreen and do not reapply it often enough.

As scientists are researching ways to prevent and treat skin cancer, the results involving green tea are promising. One particular study reported by the Alternative Medicine Review showed excellent results in skin cancer prevention and treatment in mice with the use of green tea both applied topically and given orally*.

In this study, mice were exposed to about seven different kinds of carcinogens, all of which are known to cause or contribute to skin cancer. The mice were divided into groups. Some of the groups were treated with green tea by substituting it for their drinking water. Others were treated topically with green tea extract. Some of the groups of mice were already suffering from skin cancer, as well.

The research was conducted so that mice undergoing exposure to each different carcinogen were treated with green tea in both forms. For example, some of the mice being exposed to UVB rays were treated with only oral green tea, while others were treated with only topical green tea extract.

The research concluded that all of the mice benefited from the green tea treatment, whether it was given orally or applied topically. In every group, the green tea was effective at preventing skin cancer. The study found that green tea applied topically seems to scavenge and destroy skin cells that are likely to become cancerous before they can mutate.

The green tea, whether given orally or applied topically, slowed down the cancer growth in the mice that were already infected. In addition, green tea given orally seemed to cause some regression of existing skin cancer.

Of course, these results are very promising. If this research is a good indicator of how green tea might work in humans, as well, then topically applied green tea may become the new trend in skin products. In addition, these findings support other findings that conclude that drinking green tea is effective in preventing and treating many forms of cancer.

The next step, of course, is to conduct human trials to see if the same results prove true. It certainly seems that we have enough information to suggest that green tea should be part of everyone’s diet for its ability to slow down aging and prevent disease.

The most exciting news from this study is the idea that we might benefit dramatically from the simple step of applying a form of green tea to our skin. Addition of green tea to our sunscreens, lotions and moisturizers could have a dramatic effect on the number of skin cancer diagnosed each year. And, even for those already diagnosed with skin cancer, green tea applied to the skin might prove to be an effective treatment to kill the cancer cells, or at least slow down their progression.

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Can Green Tea Improve Your Chances Of Surviving Breast Cancer?

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Breast cancer is one of the most frightening diseases faced by today’s women. In fact, breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women, after nonmelanoma skin cancer. About 13% of American women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. And, it is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, after lung cancer.

Scientists are continuing to look for new information to determine what causes breast cancer as well how to prevent and treat this disease. Today, we still don’t know what causes breast cancer, but we do understand some of the risk factors.

In addition, we have come a long way in treating breast cancer – though many women still die each year. Some of the research is very promising, including research on green tea.

One group of breast cancer sufferers who cause doctors a great area of concern are those who have a higher than average expression of the epidermal growth factor Her-2/neu. Her-2/neu is a growth factor that sometimes presents itself in a tumor. An over expression of this growth factor is a concern for breast cancer patients.

During routine testing of patients who have been recently diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, doctors will determine the level of Her-2/neu. If the level is high, this information is used to guide treatment. The level of this growth factor is important because studies have shown that patients with an over expression of Her-2/neu have a higher likelihood of their cancer metastasizing, and have an overall lower survival rate. The Her-2/neu is high in about 30% of breast cancer patients.

As part of the ongoing research to find effective treatments for breast cancer, scientists have been looking seriously at the benefits of green tea, both on preventing cancer and treating it. Asian cultures have used green tea for its healing properties for centuries, and their overall rate of cancer is much lower than that of the Western world.

Tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. You’ll hear tea referred to as green, white or black. These differences do not result from actual different types of tea leaf, but rather from differences in how the tea leaves are processed. Green and white teas are not fermented during processing, but black tea goes through such a processing.

Tea leaves contain catechins, part of the flavan-3-ol class of flavonoids, which are anti-oxidants. EGCG is one of the catechins contained in tea, and is a potent anti-oxidant. Fermenting the tea leaves converts the catechins to other compounds that are not as healthy as those in unfermented tea. So, the focus of research has been on green tea, because of its healthier form of anti-oxidants.

What’s So Great About Anti-Oxidants?

During our body’s process of converting food to energy, we create free radicals in our body. These free radicals are damaging to our cells and DNA if we don’t combat them. Left unchecked, free radicals contribute to speeding up the aging process and to causing diseases such as cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Anti-oxidants, however, can help us combat these free radicals, and a diet in anti-oxidants is linked with preventing cancer, heart disease and stroke. So, doctors recommend a diet high in anti-oxidants – which means eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking green tea each day.

However, scientists also seem to be finding out that green tea may be able to increase the effectiveness in some cancer treatments. Several studies conducted on mice already diagnosed with cancer have shown that taking green tea along with the cancer treatments can increase the effectiveness of the traditional therapy and may slow down the progression of cancer to other cells. There is promising research; some of it directly related to breast cancer treatment.

One particular study of interest was conducted by the Boston University School of Medicine. In this study, female mice with breast cancer whose Her-2/neu levels were very high were treated with green tea along with their regular cancer treatment. Mice that ingested the green tea showed a slower growth of their tumors and a slower progression of their cancer than those who were treated with the same medicine without green tea as an adjunct therapy.*

Researchers who found these results also believe that if green tea can inhibit the growth of tumors in patients already diagnosed with cancer, it may also be effective in preventing cancerous cells from forming and growing in the first place. This coincides with other research that indicates that green tea may be significant in preventing cancer. In addition, it helps explain why Asian cultures have such a low cancer incidence compared to the Western world.

This is very promising news for a group of breast cancer sufferers who have traditionally had a lower survival rate than others with breast cancer. If we can slow the rate of cancer progression in those with over expression of Her-2/neu to approximately the same rate as other breast cancer patients, we may be far more effective at treating these patients.

Far more research is needed in the area of breast cancer prevention and treatment. In addition, scientists will be spending more time examining the benefits of green tea in cancer prevention and treatment. But, it seems clear that green tea has a place in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including cancer.

Even though there is more research to be done, there is no downside to adding green tea to your diet to help prevent disease or to improve your health if it is already failing. Scientists have found no risks involved with drinking green tea. It has no side effects, and is a healthy alternative to coffee because of its high level of anti-oxidants and because it is much lower in caffeine than coffee. So, get a jump start on your anti-oxidants by drinking green tea!

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Did You Know Green Tea Protects Against Cancer?

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Green tea offers catechins which have been identified today as the key element in fighting off toxins that would contribute towards leading to cancer. Some people have considered it as something that would simply be relying on fiction or here say but the truth is that herbal medicine will always have their adverse effects and green tea happens to possess them today.

Green Tea Extracts known as Catechins

Green Tea extracts trace their origins in China where most herbal and unorthodox means of medicinal attributes can be found. As it stands today, green tea has taken over a clear lead in trying to develop new means of being able to fight of known diseases such as cancer. Cancer feeds on toxins taken in by the human body and it is thus the duty of catechins to fight of and cleanse the body of such food intake.

Leading Manufacturers and Origins

China leads the race for the development of green tea, mainly because the herbal extracts are immediately available in this part of the world. Japan also has its share of green tea extracts today, making both countries a good source for educating and finding more about this medicinal herb that aims to provide the necessary assistance in the field of cancer and other related diseases harmful to the human anatomy.

The Spread of Health Awareness

The obvious awareness of people all over the world today is that of emphasizing on the value of health. Such has been the aim of green tea or Camellia Sinensis as it is more commonly known. Supplements, health cleansers and other proper health maintenance practices have been at the forefront of such calls for new ways and innovations to attend to health issues today.

A Business Opportunity in Retail

Green tea has also become a business aspect in the area of new product development in the sense that people would manufacture the said green tea drink into bottled beverages and make them immediately available to the consumers aching to know where they could get sensible and quality made drinks. Hence, the green tea fever has been widespread all over the world, doing its part in adhering towards the world’s call for alternative medicinal means to fight of dreaded diseases that inject harmful toxins from different food intake and exposure today.

Eliminating the Body Toxins

Toxin release is something that green tea is known to do. But a word of caution. It is easy to lay claim that green tea is available and can be manufactured by anyone. This is why it would be best to be alert through reading studies and research as done by medical professionals all over the world. The presence of green tea ingredients in the usual pet bottles to which most have been identified today would entail studying the nutritional facts found in them. The ingredients and composition of the said brew will be a good way to determine the actual contents of the green tea variant as offered in the market today.

A Different Type of Taste

Another aspect for consideration is that green tea may not necessarily be ideal for the taste buds of a person. Similar to the unwanted medicine taste that most people would need to consume to get the proper medical attention for known illnesses, green tea holds the same. To some people, the taste may not be immediately accepted but as other products, it grows in people especially if the mental aspect of its benefits would be taken into account.

The taste of green tea is really something that would inform people of its presence in them. Possessing the necessary oxidant agents to cleanse the body of the toxins, the catechins buckle down to work once green tea finds its way into the digestive system of the body. Internal cleansing of the toxins is the immediate recourse and this is where green tea consumption does its work.

The whole belief in the benefits and magic that green tea provides is similar to believing in the good that herbal medicine has provided in the world today. People will have their reservations from such advancements but with medical breakthroughs and research to back up the claims, all that green tea needs is to find ways to make them available to the consumers who require them. The obvious awareness created by health all over the world is a key instigator in allowing people to be more conscious in keeping their bodies clear of unwanted toxins that are covered by each green tea extract found in most green tea drinks available today.

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Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer

0 komentar Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012
Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950's when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer's, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.

Research shows that one of the leading causes of Breast Cancer could be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas, that it uses to purge Toxins from the body, these are, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the armpits. The toxins are purged from the body in the form of perspiration and antiperspirant as the name clearly suggests prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging Toxins from the armpit area.

These Toxin do not just disappear, Instead, the body deposits them in the Lymph Nodes below the arms, since it is unable to sweat them out. A concentration of Toxins then builds up in the areas such as the armpits, which can then lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

It cannot be ignored, that nearly all Breast Cancer Tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast area, this is where the Lymph Nodes are located. Men are less likely (but not totally exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by the use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be caught in the armpit hair, rather than directly applied to the skin, but ladies, who shave their armpits, increase the risk by causing imperceptable nicks in the skin, which allow the chemicals to enter easily into the body through the armpits.

This article is aimed mainly at ladies, but please be aware that there are a few antiperspirants on the market that are made from natural products, but basically they would still trap the Toxins in the same areas. The best solution is to use deodorants, rather than antiperspirants, also please remember that the Eight Essential Sugars in Glyconutrients can also help to fight off Toxins.

There is a lot of controversy about this article, the medical profession scoff at the idea, and so do big business, but then again there are huge numbers of people that scoff at the problems associated with Fluoride in drinking water. You can make up your own mind on whether there is someting in this article or not, I know that if I was a lady, I would keep clear of Antiperspirants. I realise that Doctors everywhere, do a marvelous job, and they are appreciated, but they are reluctant to look at the bigger picture, also please remember that the fourth largest killer of people in the western world is prescription drugs.


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Can Prostate Cancer Screening Improve Men's Lives?

0 komentar Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

A European study suggests that men who undergo PSA prostate cancer screening will gain years of high-quality life.

But it's not quite that simple.

Those extra years of high-quality life showed up across big groups of screened men. Individual men may get different results -- especially if screening-associated risks such as impotence and incontinence bother them more than the possible benefit of a life free of prostate cancer.

Whether to get a PSA test is a tricky decision.

Urologists, who see men dying of late-stage prostate cancer, tend to favor PSA screening for all men as they reach middle age. They want to catch the cancers while they are still treatable.

Testing experts, including the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, calculate that the real harms of prostate cancer over-diagnosis and over-treatment outweigh potential benefits. It's an ongoing debate.

The new study, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, "moves the ball down the field quite a lot," according to medical decision-making expert Harold C. Sox, MD, professor of medicine at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine.

Instead of trying to compare prostate cancer to treatment side effects, the new study looks at the quality of life in men who do and don't get PSA tests.

PSA Pluses and Minuses

Harry J. de Koning, MD, professor of public health and screening evaluation at the Netherlands' Erasmus Medical Center, led a team that analyzed data from a large European clinical trial of PSA screening. They translated all outcomes of regular PSA testing into quality life years gained or lost.

"I think prostate cancer screening has been shown to be effective, but there are a lot of negative side effects," de Koning tells WebMD. "What we now say is that a man age 55 to 69, if he is screened every four years, will gain something like 8.5 years of life. But we say you should diminish this by 20%, to about 6.7 years, because then you get healthy life years. It is a longer life, but a mix of good things and bad things."

De Koning and colleagues arrived at their calculation by assigning life-quality values to each possible outcome of PSA screening.

"So a person who just got a biopsy thinks, 'Today is 10% worse than my average day in life.' Maybe some say 20% or 40%. That is what we try to calculate," de Koning says. "Or if a man is getting palliative care for metastatic cancer and you ask how much worse this state is than normal, he may say it's 50% worse than two years ago when he was healthy."

These values, while reasonable and based on previous quality-of-life research, clearly would vary from person to person. They calculate that 1,000 men who receive PSA screening would gain 56 years of high-quality life. But they note that if slightly different values were used, these 1,000 men might lose as many as 21 quality life years or gain as many as 97.

That gap makes it impossible to recommend for or against PSA screening for all men, says Sox, whose editorial comments accompany the de Koning report in the NEJM.

"If a significant number of men could end up losing quality life years as a result of their feelings about the kind of side effects that can happen with prostate cancer treatment, a significant number of patients also would gain quality life years by not worrying about dying of prostate cancer," Sox tells WebMD. "So you can't have a general recommendation either for or against PSA testing. You have to talk to the patient and find out what his feelings are."

PSA Decision: Case by Case

That's almost exactly the current recommendation of the American Cancer Society. Unlike the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which based on its own risk/benefit analysis flatly advises men not to get the test, the ACS advises men to sit down with a medical professional and discuss all the risks and all the benefits.

That's not very satisfying to men who want protection from prostate cancer, but who don't want to gamble on a test that might lead to severe side effects from unnecessary treatment.

And there's the rub. De Koning and colleagues note that in the European study, 42% of cancers detected by PSA screening were "over-diagnosed" -- that is, they never would have done harm.

"Strategies to reduce over-diagnosis would seem to be necessary before screening can be generally advocated," they write.

Until this happens, Sox recommends improving our "meager" understanding of how men feel about the quality of their lives after treatment for prostate cancer.
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0 komentar Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012


In this discussion we are talking about a lesion with some substance which may be ulcerated or have a palpable component. We are specifically excluding keratoses and other small surface rough patches which may be the precursors of skin cancer.

Use fingers to stretch lesion. Makes it easier to diagnose a BCC


This is mostly clinical, by observation of the appearance and features of the lesion. Seeing a lot of these and submitting all lesions for histology will increase the accuracy of diagnosis. There are no tests that can compete with experience. Use of magnifying aid is recommended.

Biopsy is mainly used in the difficult cases where the result may alter the treatment. There is little point in doing a biopsy and then submitting the lesion for an excision. The only biopsy that is worth doing is an excision biopsy but this must be done in such a way that the lesion is adequately treated no matter what is the histological diagnosis. There is no place for biopsy of a lesions suspected of being a malignant melanoma. The false negative biopsy is the main danger as it may lead to incorrect advice or treatment.

Cautery and Cryotherapy are fine for keratoses but have no place in the established lesion. The biopsy combined with this technique will confirm the diagnosis but there will be no specimen for the pathologist and will not be able to tell the operator whether he has completely excised the lesion. Another consideration is the cosmetic result, this is usually a ghastly white patch which after repeated treatment becomes resented by patients. If we are going to have patients present willingly with early lesions than we must also pay attention to the appearance of our work

Surgical excision with a scalpel will give a better looking result in the vast majority of locations. It also guarantees a specimen for the pathologist to comment on. Occasionally there will be an inadequate excision but this is preferable to not even knowing if the cautery was inadequate. Any one operator’s rate of inadequate excisions should decrease with experience and plastic surgeons tend to be more generous with their excision as they have the confidence of knowing techniques of repair to fit any case.

There are published papers comparing the results of the various treatment modalities, surgery has by far the lowest rate of all. This is an area where quality assurance has a place, A surgeon should look at his own rate and review the cases which were inadequately excised. With experience and knowledge of the disease this can be lowered to almost zero. There will always be the multifocal BCC which is difficult to judge in width.

Can be looked at in several ways. A low recurrence rate is one of the most important goals but we must also remember the appearance of the patient. As most of these lesions are on the face or some exposed part of the body it is imperative that we pay attention and explain to the patient what kind of scars they are likely to get. There too many patients who are disfigured by repeated cryotherapy. This is not to say that the treatment should be compromised to make it look good. A neat surgical scar, particularly in the elderly blends in very well with their wrinkles and is the preferred treatment.
The neglected lesions

We all see the occasional case where the patient has ignored an obviously enlarging lesion but for whatever reason has not sought treatment. The most worrying case is where they had a biopsy and told it was nothing. The only treatment for these is surgical excision and histologic examination to judge the clearance. Attention to appearance and public education are the keys to earlier detection. Radiotherapy

There are some situations where this is the preferred form of treatment. An elderly and frail person will do better with radiotherapy than if they have extensive surgery. Do not forget that radiotherapy usually means several visits and this in itself may be a problem. It is also a costly form of treatment. There are areas such as eyelids, nose, ear, lower leg which are not suitable for radiotherapy.
Moh’s technique

This is an attempt to prevent recurrences by having histological control during the treatment process. In theory it is very inviting but is extremely time consuming and expensive. It has a place for some difficult lesions on the face but not as a routine method. Frozen sections during an operation are little different from this technique and are widely utilised by surgeons. The key is to recognise the difficult lesion, this takes experience.
Cost of treatment

In this era of everything being dominated by budgets and economic constraints, surgery is still cost effective. A surgeon’s fee is no larger than a dermatologists when you compare the cost of two visits vs many. The cost of hospitals can be significant but dermatologists do not provide their equipment for nothing either. Pathology costs should be similar.
The ideal setup

In a public hospital it should be a combined clinic where a dermatologist and a surgeon see patients together or at least discuss most cases. In private practice this is difficult to organise, a good working relationship with a dermatologist is desirable. This leads to a flow of cases both ways and benefiting the patients.

It is important to provide good treatment for a large population with skin cancers. Surgery is the preferred form of treatment in most cases
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Thyroid Cancers

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Thyroid Cancers

The 4 general types of thyroid cancer are papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic. Papillary and follicular carcinoma together are called differentiated thyroid cancer because of their histologic resemblance to normal thyroid tissue and because differentiated function (eg, thyroglobulin secretion) is preserved. Most thyroid cancers present as asymptomatic nodules. Rarely, lymph node, lung, or bone metastases cause the presenting symptoms of small thyroid cancers. Diagnosis is often by fine-needle aspiration biopsy but may involve other tests. Except for anaplastic and metastatic medullary carcinoma, most thyroid cancers are not highly malignant and are seldom fatal. Treatment is surgical removal, usually followed by ablation of residual tissue with radioactive iodine.

Papillary Carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma accounts for 70 to 80% of all thyroid cancers. The female-to-male ratio is 3:1. It may be familial in up to 5% of patients. Most patients present between ages 30 and 60. The tumor is often more aggressive in elderly patients. Many papillary carcinomas contain follicular elements.

The tumor spreads via lymphatics to regional lymph nodes in 1/3 of patients and may metastasize to the lungs. Patients < 45 yr with small tumors confined to the thyroid have an excellent prognosis.


Treatment for encapsulated tumors < 1.5 cm localized to one lobe is usually near-total thyroidectomy, although some experts recommend only lobectomy and isthmectomy; surgery is almost always curative. Thyroid hormone in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)–suppressive doses is given to minimize chances of regrowth and cause regression of any microscopic remnants of papillary carcinoma.

Tumors > 4 cm or that are diffusely spreading require total or near-total thyroidectomy with postoperative radioiodine ablation of residual thyroid tissue with appropriately large doses of 131I administered when the patient is hypothyroid or after recombinant TSH injections. Treatment may be repeated q 6 to 12 mo to ablate any remaining thyroid tissue. TSH-suppressive doses of l-thyroxine are given after treatment, and serum thyroglobulin levels help detect recurrent or persistent disease. About 20 to 30% of patients, mainly older patients, have recurrent or persistent disease.

Follicular Carcinoma

Follicular carcinoma, including the Hurthle cell variant, accounts for about 15% of thyroid cancers. It is more common among older patients and in regions of iodine deficiency. It is more malignant than papillary carcinoma, spreading hematogenously with distant metastases.

Treatment requires near-total thyroidectomy with postoperative radioiodine ablation of residual thyroid tissue as in treatment for papillary carcinoma. Metastases are more responsive to radioiodine therapy than are those of papillary carcinoma. TSH-suppressive doses of l-thyroxine are given after treatment. Serum thyroglobulin should be monitored to detect recurrent or persistent disease.

Medullary Carcinoma

Medullary (solid) carcinoma constitutes about 3% of thyroid cancers and is composed of parafollicular cells (C cells) that produce calcitonin. It may be sporadic (usually unilateral); however, it is often familial, caused by a mutation of the ret proto-oncogene. The familial form may occur in isolation or as a component of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes types IIA and IIB (see Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 2A (MEN 2A); see Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 2B (MEN 2B)). Although calcitonin can lower serum Ca and phosphate, serum Ca is normal because the high level of calcitonin ultimately down-regulates its receptors. Characteristic amyloid deposits that stain with Congo red are also present.

Metastases spread via the lymphatic system to cervical and mediastinal nodes and sometimes to liver, lungs, and bone.

Symptoms and Signs

Patients typically present with an asymptomatic thyroid nodule, although many cases are now diagnosed during routine screening of affected kindreds with MEN-IIA or IIB before a palpable tumor develops.

Medullary carcinoma may have a dramatic biochemical presentation when associated with ectopic production of other hormones or peptides (eg, ACTH, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, prostaglandins, kallikreins, serotonin).


The best test is measurement of serum calcitonin, which is greatly elevated. A challenge with Ca (15 mg/kg IV over 4 h) provokes excessive secretion of calcitonin. X-rays may show a dense, homogenous, conglomerate calcification.

All patients with medullary carcinoma should have genetic testing; relatives of those with mutations should have genetic testing and measurement of basal and stimulated calcitonin levels.


Total thyroidectomy is indicated even if bilateral involvement is not obvious. Lymph nodes are also dissected. If hyperparathyroidism is present, removal of hyperplastic or adenomatous parathyroids is required. Pheochromocytoma, if present, is usually bilateral. Pheochromocytomas should be identified and removed before thyroidectomy because of the danger of provoking hypertensive crisis during the operation. Long-term survival is common in patients with medullary carcinoma and MEN-IIA; > 2/3 of affected patients are alive at 10 yr. Medullary carcinoma of the sporadic type has a worse prognosis.

Relatives with an elevated calcitonin level without a palpable thyroid abnormality should undergo thyroidectomy, because there is a greater chance of cure at this stage. Some experts recommend surgery in relatives who have normal basal and stimulated serum calcitonin levels but who have the ret proto-oncogene mutation.

Anaplastic Carcinoma

Anaplastic carcinoma is an undifferentiated cancer that accounts for about 2% of thyroid cancers. It occurs mostly in elderly patients and slightly more often in women. The tumor is characterized by rapid, painful enlargement. Rapid enlargement of the thyroid may also suggest thyroid lymphoma, particularly if found in association with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

No effective therapy exists, and the disease is generally fatal. About 80% of patients die within 1 yr of diagnosis. In a few patients with smaller tumors, thyroidectomy followed by external radiation has been curative. Chemotherapy is mainly experimental.

Radiation-Induced Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid tumors develop in people exposed to large amounts of environmental thyroid radiation, as occurs from atomic bomb blasts, nuclear reactor accidents, or incidental thyroid irradiation due to radiation therapy. Tumors may be detected 10 yr after exposure, but risk remains increased for 30 to 40 yr. Such tumors are usually benign; however, about 10% are papillary thyroid carcinoma. The tumors are frequently multicentric or diffuse.

Patients who had thyroid irradiation should undergo yearly thyroid palpation, ultrasonography, and measurement of thyroid autoantibodies (to exclude Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). A thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement.

If ultrasonography reveals a nodule, fine-needle aspiration biopsy should be done. In the absence of suspicious or malignant lesions, many physicians recommend lifelong TSH-lowering doses of thyroid hormone to suppress thyroid function and thyrotropin secretion and possibly decrease the chance of developing a thyroid tumor.

Surgery is required if fine-needle aspiration biopsy suggests cancer. Near-total or total thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice, to be followed by radioiodine ablation of any residual thyroid tissue if a cancer is found (depending on the size, histology, and invasiveness)
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